Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Ants Go Marching

Have you ever studied a group of ants? They look as if they are scurrying around aimlessly, hurrying from one place to the next with no real agenda and no marked out path for them. If you watch long enough, you can begin to recognize a reason for the 'wandering' and a purpose for the hurrying that's been done. A path may never be established and the specific direction may not be realized, but the direction is not important and the detours, no many how many they face are accepted and overcome with no mountain (or shoeprint) too big to stop them and no monster (or child) too big to slow them down!

Although I don't have a lot of free time to sit and study the employment pattern of ants, I do have a sweet little guy who loves to watch ants, bugs and any other little crawly thing that will let him. Try as he might, those ants just keep moving forward to accomplish their goal and complete their task. My little Grady stomps into their little world and spreads the ants apart and away from their duties leaving the anthill looking like the beaches of Normandy, but give them time and the troops are back on their paths and pushing forward to complete their job.

What the heck does this have to do with anything? We are like these ants in many ways. We get caught up in what we are going through and the hurt in our lives. We focus on the path we have in mind and no many how many times our path is changed or the obstacles grow in front of us we march back to our own agenda. On the other hand, God may put us on a path and His desire for us is to enjoy the journey we are on, but all we can do is press forward and not take our eyes off the path. We wander through the desert, missing the blessing and the portion He has placed in our lives, only to whine about the distance we have left to go. Do we stop and look around? Nope, just keep pushing through with the blinders on and don't stop to see what's around, rather than awakening the eyes to the beauty and majesty of the land.

So, now that I have compared all of humanity to ants where does that lead? Exodus 15:13 tells us "In Your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In Your strength You will guide them to Your holy dwelling." I am a redeemed child of the King and though I am as ill-focused as the next redhead, I am trusting in the unfailing love of my Father to lead me. And, in the depths of my pain and the throws of my lupus ravaged body, it is His strength that is shining through my weakness to guide me into His arms. Why do I waiver? Like the ant, I focus on my own duty and lose sight of those around me. Conversely, I wander forward unaware of the surroundings and the blessings God has placed by my side. When I push, I should pull. When I wait, I should go forth. My intentions are good, but my focus is off. I get so caught up in the job I need to do, I forget who my Employer is. I get so determined to finish, I lose sight of the joy in the journey. People are the purpose and saving grace is my security. So, why do I get so caught up in the details and forget the relationship? I am a sinner, saved by the unfailing love and strength of my Father. God has given me a job to do and I cannot help but desire to complete His task for my life. My Lord has given me grace beyond measure and I can grasp a glimpse of His face in my family. Jesus has given His very life and I deserve death. What can I do, but honor Him with my life?

You have given me life. I can give nothing and do nothing to begin to compare the love and loyalty radiating from Your Word. God You gave everything in the gift of Your Son. Not only did He save my life, He completed the justice needed for You to remain holy. Words are weak and weary in comparison to You. I deserve death, yet You chose life. Thank you for choosing life for me. Be magnified in my life Lord. Allow those who walk beside me to recognize You. Use me Lord Jesus. Use me. Somehow, somewhere. Move me, Lord. As the ant moves on his mission, move me on Your path. Without you, I am nothing. With you, there are no limits, not even the sky!
In the majestic name of Jesus Christ,

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